The Remarkable Story of Kathryn Kuhlman's Transition to Glory
Let me share a fascinating story about the incredible woman of God, Kathryn Kuhlman. Her ministry left an indelible mark on the world, with miraculous healings and God's presence radiating through her. Kathryn Kuhlman, a renowned Evangelist from the 1940s to the 1970s, touched the lives of millions worldwide.
Born on May 9, 1907, Kathryn Kuhlman's ministry extended beyond the pulpit. Her messages reached over 50 radio stations, and her presence graced more than 60 television stations, making her an iconic figure in her time.
As her health declined, Kathryn faced a grave heart condition, requiring open-heart surgery. She was admitted to Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, on December 26, 1975. The renowned Evangelist Oral Roberts and his wife Evelyn came to pray for her recovery. However, Kathryn had a different plan. She gestured toward Heaven, expressing her desire to go home and be with the Lord.
An extraordinary event unfolded on February 20, 1976, the day she passed away. At 8:20 p.m., something remarkable occurred. Witnesses recounted that the Holy Spirit descended upon her, and her face began to radiate with an inexplicable glow. The nurse in attendance noticed an encompassing brilliance that filled the room, ushering in an indescribable peace.
Kathryn Kuhlman had entrusted the leadership of her ministry to Tink Wilkerson before the open-heart surgery, perhaps with a premonition of her impending transition.
As she departed to be with Jesus, the power of God reverberated throughout the 800-bed hospital. Her organs were failing, but her heart, the one expected to show an 'irregular' pattern and eventually flatline, remained steady. In a flash, she was gone.
The last nurse to see Kathryn Kuhlman alive had documented her final request: "I shall die on February 20th at 1:13 am. Please have only roses at my funeral."
Within 15 minutes of her passing, a new nurse, on her first day on the job, entered the room and was astounded. Kathryn Kuhlman's body was neither cold nor warm; it was strangely warm. The air was saturated with the fragrance of roses, overwhelming the senses.
The Head Nurse from the ICU came to record the time of her passing. As they read Kathryn Kuhlman's last request, they were stunned to see that she had predicted the precise day and hour of her departure. Her final words, "Love, Love. Love. Love Jesus," became her eternal testimony.
Both the new nurse and the ICU Head Nurse, who were non-believers at the time, were deeply moved. The young nurse, overcome with emotion, gave her life to Jesus, experiencing a profound transformation.
Kathryn Kuhlman's funeral was adorned with countless earthly roses, but in Heaven, she heard the voice of her first love, Jesus, welcoming her Home. Face to face with the Lover of her soul, she embarked on her eternal journey.
Evangelist Oral Roberts presided over her funeral in California, United States, an experience that surely affirmed Kathryn Kuhlman's place in Heaven.
As we reflect on this extraordinary encounter, we pray that, like Kathryn Kuhlman, we may hear Jesus say to us one day, "Well done, my good and faithful servant! Enter with joy and receive all that I've prepared for you, even before the foundation of the world." Amen.
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